Step 1
Introduction to public engagement with research in libraries
Public engagement is a two-way process that shares the activities and benefits of higher education and research with the public, generating benefit for both parties.
To find out more about the definitions of public engagement, visit the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement?
Engaging Libraries supported public libraries to work with higher education institutions to develop and deliver public engagement activities with research on health, society and culture. The next few videos are of some of the Engaging Libraries projects describing the benefits of public engagement in libraries in their own words.
'I was surprised at how much parents were absolutely enthralled by the brain development research... I think it is something that we can use and we can promote to other library services… It’s a tool for getting parents to come in and share their stories and join the library'
Janette White, Glasgow Libraries
Staff member
'Very informative and interesting. It has made me want to research further as subjects discussed only scratched the surface'
Member of the public
Step 1
Introduction to public engagement with research in libraries